Data Privacy and Compliance

Request Form for the Exercise of Personal Data Subject’s Rights.

Mariana Janaina Bernardes Rosignoli
Data Protection Officer

General Guidelines

  • We provide this form to help you exercise your rights as a personal data subject, efficiently and securely, in accordance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados - LGPD).
  • Please note that the use of this form is optional. You are welcome to submit your data privacy request to us in the most convenient manner for you.
  • Once you have completed the form, we kindly request the personal data subject to sign it and send it along with proof of identity to
  • If necessary, Sensedia may ask the personal data subject for additional information to fulfill the request mentioned above. This is done to ensure the request is properly addressed and to prevent any potential information security incidents that may cause harm to the applicant.

Privacy Statement

  • Sensedia is fully committed to upholding privacy and ensuring the protection of personal data in accordance with applicable Brazilian legislation. To provide clarity on our practices, we have prepared this Privacy Statement, which outlines how individuals can exercise their rights as personal data subjects.
Follow the instructions

Select the appropriate Version

Please download the form version that best suits your specific case:

  • Holder of Personal Data.
  • Legal Representative or Proxy of the Data Subject.

Fill in the form

To effectively process your request, we need some information from you.

  • Complete the fields and indicate the specific rights you intend to exercise.

Finalize and send

Please complete the declaration of authenticity. It is necessary to attach proof of identity for the personal data holder. Please ensure you include a copy of their ID card along with the application.

You have completed the form!

To submit your request, please send it to the email address

Select your version

Are you the Owner of the Personal Data?

Are you a Legal Representative or Proxy of the Data Subject?