AXA invests in internal technology with a focus on enhancing user experience

AXA's User Experience Enhancement



See case
One of the world's largest insurance groups, with over 150,000 employees and distributors operating in over 50 countries. AXA serves approximately 100 million people worldwide.

One of the world's largest insurance groups, with over 150,000 employees and distributors operating in over 50 countries. AXA serves approximately 100 million people worldwide.

Our client’s challenge

Accelerating and fostering an API strategy that enhances simplicity and connectivity with customers.

Sensedia’s role

Modernize AXA’s legacy architecture by transitioning from a monolithic setup to a modular approach, facilitating solution integration via APIs and microservices.

Experience gains

Achieved shorter processing time, enhanced traceability, and increased flexibility for collaborating with partners. Improved capability to support high request volumes. Our efficient and agile maintenance approach ensured accurate and swift problem resolution, driving continuous improvement.

Strategic gains

Improvements on technological resilience to enable agile integrations through online transactions, handling and connecting diverse information types, and modernizing the event-driven integration architecture.

By utilizing the capabilities of AWS services, including Amazon EKS for managing containers, Amazon S3 for secure data storage, and Amazon RDS for efficient database management, our solution achieves exceptional performance and reliability.

Looking ahead, our commitment to innovation is closely aligned with AWS. We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's achievable as we explore the capabilities of services like EKS, S3, and RDS. Sensedia's drive to innovate fuels technological advancement in our clients and helps sets new industry standards.

Our solution embodies the core principles of cloud-native architecture and operates seamlessly as a SaaS platform on AWS. Amazon EKS ensures smooth deployment, scalability, and container management, providing an unmatched user experience. The robustness of Amazon S3 guarantees data security and accessibility, while Amazon RDS optimizes database operations for maximum efficiency.

Through our partnership with AWS, we don't just lead in API management; we pioneer the full potential of EKS, S3, and RDS to deliver sustainable success and exponential growth to our clients.

Your journey to success begins here

Trust in us to deliver the finest integrations for your business, backed by market-leading solutions and our expert teams.

Embrace an architecture that is agile, scalable, and integrated

Accelerate the delivery of your digital initiatives through less complex and more efficient APIs, microservices, and Integrations that drive your business forward.