Petz's digital sales reach 40% of its gross revenue, with a digital strategy developed in partnership with Sensedia

Petz Digital Sales Case Study



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Petz is an industry leader in the services and sales of pet and household products. The largest Brazilian pet store chain operates 200 stores nationwide using a phygital strategy integrating their customers' physical and digital store experience.

Petz is an industry leader in the services and sales of pet and household products. The largest Brazilian pet store chain operates 200 stores nationwide using a phygital strategy integrating their customers' physical and digital store experience.

Customer Challenge

Create new digital experiences that bolster existing e-commerce journeys, connect the entire Petz ecosystem, and integrate all customer-initiated physical and digital experiences.

Role of Sensedia

Sensedia enabled the connection of the entire Petz channel ecosystem. The Sensedia team designed a connectivity structure based on API governance and the creation of microservices.

Experience gains

More than 1,000,000 active users access the Petz mobile app every month. The importance of phygital integration is critical for the organization. More than 90% of digital orders are physically picked up at a store. 95% of digitally placed in-store orders are picked up by customers within one business day, proving the phygital strategy is on the right track and has everything it needs for continued growth.

Strategic gains

Digital sales have grown exponentially and represent over 40% of Petz's gross revenue, with an omnichannel index of 92.1%.

IT and digital teams began to work synergistically, enhancing operations and enabling the company to achieve greater delivery agility and improved services and experiences for its target audience.

Petz shared more about their phygital strategy at APIX 2024, including detailed numbers demonstrating the positive impact of physical and online store integration:

By utilizing the capabilities of AWS services, including Amazon EKS for managing containers, Amazon S3 for secure data storage, and Amazon RDS for efficient database management, our solution achieves exceptional performance and reliability.

Looking ahead, our commitment to innovation is closely aligned with AWS. We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's achievable as we explore the capabilities of services like EKS, S3, and RDS. Sensedia's drive to innovate fuels technological advancement in our clients and helps sets new industry standards.

Our solution embodies the core principles of cloud-native architecture and operates seamlessly as a SaaS platform on AWS. Amazon EKS ensures smooth deployment, scalability, and container management, providing an unmatched user experience. The robustness of Amazon S3 guarantees data security and accessibility, while Amazon RDS optimizes database operations for maximum efficiency.

Through our partnership with AWS, we don't just lead in API management; we pioneer the full potential of EKS, S3, and RDS to deliver sustainable success and exponential growth to our clients.

Your journey to success begins here

Trust in us to deliver the finest integrations for your business, backed by market-leading solutions and our expert teams.

Embrace an architecture that is agile, scalable, and integrated

Accelerate the delivery of your digital initiatives through less complex and more efficient APIs, microservices, and Integrations that drive your business forward.