Sicredi and Sensedia generate business value through Open Finance

Sicredi and Sensedia Case Study



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Sicredi is a cooperative financial institution with a rich history spanning over 120 years. Serving communities with a vast network of 2,600 branches and over 100 credit cooperatives integrated into its system across Brazil, Sicredi caters to a membership base of 7.5 million individuals.

Sicredi is a cooperative financial institution with a rich history spanning over 120 years. Serving communities with a vast network of 2,600 branches and over 100 credit cooperatives integrated into its system across Brazil, Sicredi caters to a membership base of 7.5 million individuals.

Customer Challenge

Introduce the Open Finance ecosystem allowing Sicredi to seize new opportunities. This strategy aims to highlight the advantages of credit unions, promoting a transparent environment for members.

Sensedia’s Role

Accelerate the implementation of Open Finance practices at Sicredi and streamline the creation and delivery of the necessary technological infrastructure. This enables Sicredi to seamlessly connect with Open Finance systems.

Experience gains

The process involved gathering insights into the financial behaviors of members. This led to the creation of benefits in two ways: firstly, by automating the digital channel to provide personalized offers; and secondly, by nurturing close relationships with members, effectively addressing their individual needs.

Sicredi uses this data to improve its range of credit products, determining pre-approved limits and customized offers. These efforts consistently reflect Sicredi's cooperative values of mutual support and financial responsibility.

Strategic gains

This partnership provides stability and support. Sensedia empowered Sicredi to actively participate in the open ecosystem, driving business growth efficiently. Additionally, it enabled the Sicredi team to focus on more strategic initiatives.

By utilizing the capabilities of AWS services, including Amazon EKS for managing containers, Amazon S3 for secure data storage, and Amazon RDS for efficient database management, our solution achieves exceptional performance and reliability.

Looking ahead, our commitment to innovation is closely aligned with AWS. We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's achievable as we explore the capabilities of services like EKS, S3, and RDS. Sensedia's drive to innovate fuels technological advancement in our clients and helps sets new industry standards.

Our solution embodies the core principles of cloud-native architecture and operates seamlessly as a SaaS platform on AWS. Amazon EKS ensures smooth deployment, scalability, and container management, providing an unmatched user experience. The robustness of Amazon S3 guarantees data security and accessibility, while Amazon RDS optimizes database operations for maximum efficiency.

Through our partnership with AWS, we don't just lead in API management; we pioneer the full potential of EKS, S3, and RDS to deliver sustainable success and exponential growth to our clients.

Your journey to success begins here

Trust in us to deliver the finest integrations for your business, backed by market-leading solutions and our expert teams.

Embrace an architecture that is agile, scalable, and integrated

Accelerate the delivery of your digital initiatives through less complex and more efficient APIs, microservices, and Integrations that drive your business forward.