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Diogo Marques
August 19, 2024
min reading time

Choose the Right Open Banking Solution

The importance of a robust and flexible open banking solution cannot be overstated. As the CFPB pushes for greater financial data transparency and open banking APIs are increasingly guided by the FDX API standards, financial institutions face mounting pressure to not only meet regulatory demands but also to seize new opportunities for innovation. Yet, the path to a successful launch is filled with challenges—especially when it comes to choosing the right open banking solution.

Avoid the Trap of "Made Simple" FDX Solutions

As the market becomes filled with solutions claiming to offer simplicity, it's crucial to realize that many of these options are anything but simple. Choosing a "made easy" solution can be deceptive, as it often ignores the hidden complexities involved in a truly scalable open banking system, one that can seamlessly plug and play into any ecosystem. These so-called "check-the-box" solutions often downplay the essential steps of infrastructure integration and data mapping—critical tasks that they expect financial institutions to manage on their own, yet are vital for long-term success.

The real risk those institutions face lies in surrendering control and autonomy over their APIs, leaving their business vulnerable to future limitations. While the promise of a quick fix is tempting, without full open banking API control, FIs risk losing the flexibility needed to adapt to evolving regulations and market demands—and they will evolve. This lapse can result in costly long-term consequences, including being locked into rising prices, excluded from competing ecosystems, or, in the worst case, becoming obsolete as the market evolves.

The Power of Having Control Over Your APIs

Retaining full control over your APIs is crucial. Surrendering control over to a solution provider to “check the box” on compliance can lead to future challenges, especially if the solution is not open to certain ecosystems or is dependent on proprietary specs.

It's important to recognize that many new open banking solution providers operate on a data aggregator model, which typically involves charging for data access—a practice that directly conflicts with the core principles of open banking, as CFPB’s Section 1033 advocates for free access to financial data. Essentially, handing control of your APIs to an aggregator is like giving the keys to the henhouse to a fox.

So, with that said, maintaining control over your open banking APIs ensures flexibility to integrate with various ecosystems using FDX API standards while also protecting your institution from potential conflicts of interest and costly dependencies.

Your Path to a Successful Open Banking Journey

When narrowing down the essentials for a successful Open Banking journey, institutions should focus on these three key factors:

FDX-Ready: Ensure the open banking solution is compliant with FDX API standards, enabling seamless integration with the open banking ecosystem.

Cost Efficient:  Choose a solution that reduces costs and improves operational efficiency, allowing you to allocate resources to innovation and growth.

Fast to Market: Work with a solution provider that facilitates rapid deployment, accelerating product and offer delivery to quickly capture market share.

Financial institutions can fully benefit from open banking by focusing on a solution that is not only FDX-ready but also cost-efficient, fast to market, and backed by robust support. The solution should also be reusable across any ecosystem, ensuring the investment is future-proof and adaptable to new opportunities.

Open Banking with a Platform Business Mindset

Sensedia Open Finance Ecosystem

For both smaller and larger financial institutions, open banking should be seen as a platform business opportunity, beyond the regulatory requirements. Value is created by facilitating exchanges between interdependent groups—such as banks, fintechs, credit unions, and customers—all connecting via standardized open banking APIs. 

Let’s consider Amazon, the world’s most successful platform business. Amazon built an ecosystem where third-party vendors seamlessly integrate to offer new products and services to a vast customer base. This platform model fuels third-party innovation, giving vendors access to a much larger audience. The platform delivers better, more conveniently accessible products and services to consumers, while driving additional revenue streams to Amazon.

Similarly, a credit union or regional bank can leverage FDX API standards to create an ecosystem with participating fintechs, unlocking previously untapped revenue streams, such as buy now, pay later services, or rewards programs. This platform approach drives innovation and gains value as more participants join the ecosystem. For those adopting a platform business strategy, true scalability is achievable only with full governance over ecosystem API integrations.

Three Essential Steps to Enabling Open Banking

1. Data Mapping and Integration: The first and most challenging step in preparing for open banking and embedded finance is data mapping and integration. This involves connecting all necessary data sources in a streamlined and efficient manner. It’s a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. 

2. Compliance Checklist: Once the data is mapped, the next step is to address compliance. Many solutions that promise "simple" or "easy" compliance often expect clients to manage this critical step internally. This tech burden increases developer costs and eats up resources, risking errors and integration issues. Choose an open banking solution with full compliance support to ease the burden on your devs.

3. Innovation Beyond Compliance: While CFPB compliance and other regulatory requirements are essential, it's important to think beyond mere compliance. Financial institutions should adopt a mindset focused on leveraging open banking to unlock new products, drive innovation, and create new revenue streams. This strategic and ecosystem approach can give them a competitive edge.

The Importance of Time-to-Market

In the fast-paced world of finance, speed is key. Early adopters who bring their open banking solutions to market quickly will have a distinct advantage over slower competitors. It's important to recognize that some major players have already begun adopting FDX implementation, giving them a head start. Consider solutions that enable a quick turnaround and plug-and-play integration with all open banking ecosystems, allowing the rapid deployment of offerings to capture market share.

Closing Thoughts from Sensedia

Open Banking is a powerful driver for innovation and growth, going beyond regulatory requirements.  By choosing a solution that offers full control, is FDX-ready, cost-efficient, and fast to market, institutions can stay competitive and compliant. Effectively leveraging open banking APIs will be a key differentiator for financial institutions. Above all, we at Sensedia view open banking not just as a regulatory requirement but as a platform for innovation and sustained long-term success.

Remember, the journey to open innovation is complex, but with the right approach, and the right guidance, it’s a journey that can yield significant rewards. Don’t fall for overly simplistic solutions; instead, invest in a comprehensive strategy that ensures control, scalability, and future readiness.

For more detailed information please read our guide on Open Banking Basics here:

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